Spring 2015


Tomato ‘Fourth of July’

FN 1.07 TOM Fourth of July
‘Fourth of July’ actually delivers red Tomatoes by Independence Day

Two years ago we planted about 80 different cultivars in our kitchen garden to truly understand the sublime fruit that is known as the Tomato. With so many varieties, we fully expected both hits and misses to appear over the season, but we did not expect our breakout favorite to be—not a heritage, not a mass market, not a beefsteak—but a cultivar best known for its early arrival in the season. Of all things, we liked Tomato ‘Fourth of July’ the best for several reasons beyond its signature feature.

FN 1.16 TOM Fourth of July
That small package hides some surprises


New Little Duck Marigolds

FN1.10 MAR Little Duck Orange
Pom-pom style Marigolds are retro chic 

Another plant from Grandma’s day that’s currently seeing an uptick in popularity is the Marigold, so we’ve been experimenting with different varieties. We lean toward the African pom-pom style with big two-inch blooms, and thick doubles with tight crinkles in the petals. Usually they grow on tall, thick stems but we have a new series that brings the look to a smaller, tighter package.

FN1.3 MAR Little Duck Orange
Big African-type heads top these tidy, short plants


Castor Bean

Castor Bean 0004
Castor Bean is an ornamental with a tropical feel

For a tough, dependable, large plant that lends a tropical feel to beds we like the Castor Bean. Here in Cincinnatti, we treat it as an oversized ornamental with broad purple-red leaves that are shaped like stars—each one can reach up to two feet across. Sprigs of red flowers seem like they’ve been tucked in here and there to decorate the serrated foliage, and curious spiny seed pods complete the look.

Castor Bean 0009
This heritage plant has been cultivated for thousands of years


Best Selling Pansy Colors

PAN Matrix Yellow FN 1.35
Pansy 'Matrix Yellow' lays down a heavy coat of color

Pansies are powerful tools we use to paint the early spring landscape. Like a good paint, they are durable in the cold, stand up to harsh weather, keep their color for a long time, and—most importantly—keep costs under control. Pansies are unmatched when it comes to value per square foot—they deliver dense strokes of color at an affordable price and that’s important when there’s a lot of ground to cover. So, what color should you apply? Strong color trends and preferences exist inside the category and we look at them today.

PAN Panola Beaconsfield FN 1.32
Pansy ‘Panola Beaconsfield’ is our favorite intriguing color


The Quiet Fern

FER Macho

Another St. Patrick’s Day has come and gone but green is always on our radar. Recently we’ve been noticing a greater interest in Ferns so we’ve expanded our collection to include a number of new varieties. In their understated way these plants play a strong supporting role, adding interest while infusing the landscape with a sense of calm.