Hort Couture in Volume

Another prominent feature of Hort Couture is its attention to the independent retailer. You won't be facing Hort Couture competition from the box store or supermarket channels because the brand is not available there.
Hort Couture always fares well when it is gathered together in a dedicated nook, corner, table or rack. Critical mass is important—you need enough of the material to be noticed. The program is designed to be highly visible, so gather your Hort Couture momentum into a single ‘ta-da’ presentation.
When building the Hort Couture display, a wide selection is also important. A little of this and a little of that makes for a browser's bench, or a “Something Special” bench where you’re sure to find a plant that’s a little out of the ordinary.
Our Hort Couture varieties have just come into volume, so we have a nice selection of retail-ready crops. A fast way to check the availability of Hort Couture material is to select “12cm Hort Couture” or “17cm Hort Couture” from the Size filter in our Availability List. Using this convenient feature, you can narrow the list to look at only the particular pot or tray size you require.
Our best Hort Couture crops right now?
- Catwalk Calibrachoas
- South Beach Lantanas
- Panache Petunias
- Espadrille Verbenas
- Coleus
Hort Couture also offers a line of heritage and specialty tomatoes:
- Green Zebra
- Arkansas Traveler
- Mortgage Lifter
- Black Cherry
- Mr. Stripey
If you’re looking for a line of plants that’s different from the rest—a strong line designed to offer something special and break away from the commodity crops—then a Hort Couture display is what you need.