Ornamental Kale 'Glamour'

Our strong crop of Kale ‘Glamour’ this year is a wonderful value for late season color.
It handles light frost well and Kale always freshens up in the remaining warm weather after the first cold snap.
We like the rose-colored center of this plant, and we really admire how well rounded this kale is. It’s open without being loose, with a nice, mounded form.
It’s hard to see in a photo, but ‘Glamour’ also offers brighter colors than other varieties. Kale leaves have a waxy outer coat, but ‘Glamour’ features a shinier version that lets more of the colors show through. As the cooler nights come in, the rosy center gets bigger and more intense. Like all Kales, it prefers full sun.
The head size is about a foot across, so two or three will make a fantastic centerpiece in the garden. As an ornamental on the deck or porch, ‘Glamour’ is perfect for filling in spaces in large, open pots and baskets, especially those with extra wide mouths.
If you are thinking beyond Halloween into Thanksgiving, bring in a few of these Kales and experiment with a harvest or cornucopia look.