
Mums Are Ready!

mumsThe cool weather is coming soon, and we have mums opening their buds.We call it "Teasing Color" and as you can see, the color is visible and the full coverage is just about ready to hit. For some buyers, this is the perfect time to buy mums - you get the full shelf life of the mum, plus a little extra in the front.

We always have our early bird buyers who like to get out in front of the season, and these mums are ready for them. If you plan for a busy fall season, getting ready in August is always a good idea. It's time to get ready for those back-to-school sales, to switch out the summer beds for a fall look, or to freshen up the store.

For colors, we have Pink, Orange, Purple, Yellow, Hot Red, Warm Orange, White and Scarlet - pretty much all the colors you would find in a mum.

We have well over a 1000 pots of this crop in color right now, and more coming online in the next few weeks, so we will have an excellent selection for you to choose from.