Taishan Marigolds
Tightly held petals of ‘Taishan Yellow’
Due to our great success with Orange, we’ve added Gold and Yellow to our Taishan series lineup. Many pros consider Taishan to be the best dwarf African marigold for landscaping: it produces big, fully double flowers on strong, sturdy stems and lasts a long time—plain and simple. Vibrant color is the icing on the cake.
You might remember another neat little feature that makes us partial to this marigold, and that’s the way it handles summer rainstorms. Take a good look at the petals—do you see how very tightly they’re held? This keeps the water from penetrating the flowers, so blooms stay looking fresh and perky after a rain when traditional marigolds are turning brown.
‘Taishan Gold’—lush and low to fill a space
Taishans grow around a foot high—lush and low, for when you need to fill out and add splashes of bright color to border fronts or window boxes. You know, marigolds are said to keep pests away when planted near the veggie garden, but they also attract beneficial pollinators, and that’s a real crowd-pleaser these days.
All three of our Taishan marigold varieties are available in the 6-inch pot.