Spring 2012


Dragon Wing Begonias

begoniadwOur standard for Begonias is the Cocktail series of wax Begonias, sold in the 8-inch pot. We discussed this plant several times last year, and we consider it to be a bedrock plant that everyone wants and uses.

One of the things we appreciate as Begonia growers is the diversity the genus brings to the table. Multiple flower forms abound, along with various leaf forms. Yet, they all need the same basic care as our tried-and-true Cocktails. This simple fact gives both retailers and landscapers the ability to explore a variety of designs and price points without the headache of mastering an assortment of care requirements. 


Regal Geraniums

geranium_regal_eleganceOur Regal Geraniums look wonderful and they are perfect for garden centers right now. Even with our unusually warm spring, we can still run the risk of some chilly nights and people ask if it is too early to set out plants. While everyone is more than ready for some color, we would rather be safe than sorry.

Regal Geraniums are great in this situation. Not only do they tolerate the cool temperatures when placed and kept outdoors, they can also be used as blooming pots inside the house. They make excellent hostess gifts as well. The flowers are big and dramatic, about 2–3 inches in size.